+32 (0)479 43 57 53    vincent@20CENTRetail.com
It's summer time
Shoptalk Europe

It's summer time

Some of you might wonder how come it has been quiet on these pages lately. Let me reassure you immediately, everything is fine. The only thing is that a day only has 24 hours and I had to make some choices in my agenda lately. Actually, there are three main reasons for the slowdown.

Firstly, I have been busy with my other project Panntor who required a little bit more attention. Soon I’ll share with you some updates on that activity.

Secondly, as you all know, it’s summer time. The trade fair activities are less numerous, business is slower, and many take well-deserved vacation time. I’ll also take a few days but will get back at full speed as soon as August starts.

Finally, I have been busy (re)thinking about the blog and the next steps. Again let me reassure you, I won’t start a total revolution. You will discover the developments in the next weeks and months. But to give you some ‘scoops’, let me unveil one or two things: I actually planned the editorial pieces till the end of the year. Also, I planned a few items that are 100% my own creation. Don’t be surprised if you discover a few banners here and there in the near future. Also, some trade fair visits have already been planned (e.g. Paris Retail Week, Broodway, …and of course Anuga just to name a few).

So you see, I didn’t forget about you. Enjoy the summer.  

My 20/cent