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The Vinexpo Study indicates the main trends in the global wine and spirits market
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The Vinexpo Study indicates the main trends in the global wine and spirits market

In 1971, the IWSR database was created and it is now the world’s largest database on wine and spirits. For the past 13 years, it collaborated with Vinexpo on the Vinexpo study, which covers 28 producing countries and 114 consumption markets. Not only, the market data is analyzed, but also prediction for the next five years are made. This article and the next ones will give you an overview of the published extracts of the study.


The global Wine Market

Global consumption continues to rise

  • An increase of 2,7% of the global wine consumption was noted between 2009 and 2013.
  • According to the Vinexpo Study, growth will accelerate by a further 1% between 2014 and 2018.
  • In 2018, predictions announce a total figure of 32.78 billion bottles, compared to the 31,7 billion bottles noted end 2013.

Bubbles are boosting growth (but not Champagne)

  • Cava is popular and sees an increase over 100,000 in the number of cases consumed. Belgium, Nigeria and France were the main responsible for the increase.
  • Firmly established in UK and US, Prosecco is the second motor of the growth
  • However, the global consumption of Champagne fell in 2013, because demand in France, UK and US shrunk. But demand in other countries is growing (e.g. Australia, Japan…)


  • In 2013, the US was the only top-ten country to show growth.
  • The other continents are taking market shares from Europe. Prediction see Europe’s share go from 68% in 2009 to 62% by 2018

Red is not dead

  • Red wine still dominates despite a falling demand in China
  • Red represents 54,8% of all still wine consumption
  • A decrease of wine demand can be noted end of 2013. However, Rosé wines are the least affected by this.


The Global Spirits Market

Global consumption of spirits is rising

  • Between 2009 and 2013, reached 3.069 million 9-litre cases in 2013, an increase of 19.1% from 2009.
  • A growth is still predicted, although not the same rate as today.


  • It is in Asia-Pacific that the spirit’s consumption is the highest (63% of world’s consumption)
  • China is the largest spirits consumer.

The trendy products

  • Global consumers go for whiskies and bourbons again. Mainly Russia, Brazil, Mexico, India and Poland have increased their consumption
  • Vodka remains the leading 'international' spirit (the study includes Baiju in the vodka category, a spirit drunk mainly in China).
  • Cognac and Armagnac are gaining and expected to continue to grow. Asian markets increased their demands, and healthy sales are still expected in America


The top countries

Largest wine-consuming country in volume

  1. USA
  2. France
  3. Italy

The Biggest consumers

  • Red Wine: France
  • White Wine: Italy
  • Rosé Wine: France
  • Sparkling wine: Germany
  • Spirits: China

Largest exporter in volume

  1. Italy
  2. France
  3. Spain

Biggest importer of still wines





More info:

About IWSR, www.theiwsr.com

About Vinexpo, www.vinexpo.com
