+32 (0)479 43 57 53    vincent@20CENTRetail.com
The GRAM helps you discover your aspirations at work
Shoptalk Europe

The GRAM helps you discover your aspirations at work

It's not easy to find a job that suits you, or in a company that matches your values. What if the starting point was to first get to know yourself before jumping at every opportunity? 

For the Retail Influencer podcast, Yoni Szpiro presented the GRAM (Generations Recruitment Aspirational Model). It's a model designed for professionals after a great deal of research and reflection, to help you discover your personality profile at work.

Listen to this episode via the usual channels or visit : https://vincentpanneels.substack.com


And for those who want to do the GRAM here is the link : https://generationsrecruitment.com/fr/gram/




Human ResourcesRecruitmentYoni SzpiroPodcast