+32 (0)479 43 57 53    vincent@20CENTRetail.com
Shrinkflation, loyalty campaigns, and more. A study commented by Ewout van Rossum from Lightspeed
Shoptalk Europe

Shrinkflation, loyalty campaigns, and more. A study commented by Ewout van Rossum from Lightspeed

Loyalty campaigns, shrinkflation and ethics in fashion shopping are just some of the issues addressed in a recent study by Lightspeed. In a new episode of the podcast, Ewout van Rossum comments on this study in more detail. 


Listen to the episode via the widget on this website or via https://podcast.ausha.co/20-cent-retail-s-podcast/shrinkflation-loyalty-campaigns-and-more-a-study-commented-by-ewout-van-rossum-from-lightspeed










PodcastLightspeedEwout Van RossumMarket DataInsights