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Podcast the Three Moutons farm is growing
Shoptalk Europe

Podcast the Three Moutons farm is growing

The Trois Moutons farm was born a few years ago and the project includes different activities such as aquaponics, farming and a grocery store. 

But the vision of the founders of the project, Sarah Van Heertum and Benjamin Elleboudt, goes further. Today, they start a crowdfunding campaign for the development of a new reception area, a professional kitchen, and the construction of a third breeding pond. Together, Sarah and Benjamin talk about their project in this episode and how the development is in line with local and sustainable values.


You can listen to this episode on your favourite streaming platform, via the widget on the website, or via this link : https://podcast.ausha.co/le-retail-influencer/la-ferme-des-trois-moutons-est-un-projet-local-et-durable

(Content in French)



Ps: for those interested to know more and wish to support the project just visit https://miimosa.com/fr-BE/projects/la-cachette-la-cocotte




PodcastLa Ferme Des Trois MoutonsDurableFarmingSustainabilityAquaponie