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Podcast Greet Vanoppen on digital technology in packaging
Shoptalk Europe

Podcast Greet Vanoppen on digital technology in packaging

Today a packaging needs to be sustainable and this means many different things. (Reuse, Recycle, Compost etc…). But there is also another major trend in the packaging industry which focuses on digitalisation. So, what does it imply? Concretely what applications and achievements are made today?

To discuss this digitalisation I invited Greet VanoppenStrategy & Design Leader at .becoming belgium.


The episode is available via the widget on this site or on your favourite streaming platform. 


Anf for those who want to learn more about some examples of the applications from .becoming belgium, I invite you to check https://becoming-group.be/portfolio/packaging-augmented-reality/






PodcastGreet Vanoppen.becoming BelgiumPackagingEmballagesDigitalDigitalisation