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Mathilde Imrie from Sutralis on how to enter the French Market

Mathilde Imrie from Sutralis on how to enter the French Market

The French Market is definitely an appealing target for any company. But in order to enter the market, a manufacturer must first prepare and ask itself some questions. For example: should you use an agent, a wholesaler or go directly, or perhaps use another road?  How do you seduce buyers? What drives consumers? ...


These and other questions are addressed in today's episode with Mathilde Imrie of Sutralis, an organisation that helps companies enter the French market. 

As you will hear, Mathilde will give you pointers and a lot of facts to help you in the right direction.


Listen to the episode on your favorite streaming site or via the widget on this site


And for thise interested don't hesitate to also check www.sutralis.com






SutralisExportImport FranceSialSial 2022