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Delhaize wants to double its offer of plant-based products by 2025
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Delhaize wants to double its offer of plant-based products by 2025

Eating habits are changing and retailers are adapting. Many shelves are exclusively dedicated to vegetarian products. Moreover, there is a clear trend among consumers to adopt a flexitarian diet. For these consumers, it is a question of reducing their consumption of animal proteins while consuming more plant-based dishes. 

Delhaize wants to support consumers in this dietary transition and plans to double its current assortment of meat and dairy alternatives by 2025. 

The announcement was commented by Karima GhozziExternal Communications Manager Delhaize. The retailer wants to guide consumers who are looking for plant-based proteins on the shelves: "We want to help them, that's why plant-based products are part of our priorities. Delhaize is already very committed to sustainability. By encouraging customers to go plant-based, we can all reduce our carbon footprint together.

Meat and dairy substitutes currently account for about 400 products, so they are expected to grow to 800 SKUs in the next three years. In addition to some 3,000 varieties of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, etc., consumers will thus have choices to switch to a plant-based diet. 

But increasing the assortment is not the only idea Delhaize has in mind. Karima Ghozzi also said that the idea is to fight the prejudices that some consumers may still have towards plant-based products, and that a lot of advice needs to be shared with consumers: "We only like what we know. We understand that there are still clichés, such as saying that plant-based products are not tasty, but nothing could be further from the truth. We want to prove it by creating a series of recipes based on plant products.

We expect a lot of innovations in the coming years. We are working on this with our suppliers. With these innovations, the increasing availability of these products and good communication, we think we can encourage people to explore more new flavors and give up their reservations."












DelhaizeKarima GhozziPlant BasedVegetalFlexitarianFood