The Delhaize Discovery Days 2022
"It's good to see you again" is becoming the phrase of 2022. At many events, conferences and trade shows, this joy of seeing each other again reigns supreme. At the recent Delhaize Discovery Days, the feeling was obviously the same. The gathering allows the retailer to bring together its managers, affiliates, franchisees and, in short, all members of its ecosystem. Having had the opportunity to take a tour of the event, it's a chance to take a look at the upcoming trends in the lion's portfolio and to lift the veil on some of the new products to come. I picked up three major important points and here is what you should know
Plants have become an indispensable part of the range
Everyone knows that the world needs alternatives in food and the Delhaize teams have understood this. Many of the products on display, from beverages to cheese to ready meals, were vegetarian or vegan. But as I walked around the different booths, the chorus of a John Lemon song came to mind:
All we are saying is give peas a chance
All we are saying is give peas a chance
Yes, it must be said that peas are obviously present in force. You will find peas in ready meals like the ones from Fish Peas or La Fille du Boucher, or even in milk as it is the case with the products from TipToh.
(I know it’s John Lennon and not Lemon, but I had to find something right?)
Wine remains a safe bet
This is a key department at Delhaize and at the event it was clear that this category is still receiving the necessary attention. Several key suppliers were present, and I noticed that Italian wines were quite well represented. So, expect a little Italian trend on your shelves in the coming months. Also, you should note that bag-in-box or pouch formats are clearly popular.
On the lookout for influencers
Finally, one point to note is that Delhaize seems to be one of the only retailers to work so hard on the influencer axis. During presentations, teams often highlight the fact that influencers have presented products of the assortment via their channels, and that, as a result, sales seem to be positively impacted.
And the collaboration even goes both ways. A good example is that influencers also make their way to the assortment. Average Rob (a famous TikToker) has just launched his Tout Bien beer, a lager that the lion retailer has been quick to list on its shelves.
Of course, all brands and retailers collaborate with the world of influencers. But at Delhaize it seems that the teams are working with the influencer sphere quite closely and with more concrete results compared to their competitors.
DelhaizeDelhaize Discovery Days FoodAverage RobTiptohLa Fille Du Boucher