BetterWay indicates sustainability at Mediamarkt
The electronics retailer Mediamarkt has decided to emphasize sustainability and is introducing the BetterWay logo for this purpose.
The logo will be awarded to products that have been evaluated according to strict sustainability criteria by renowned and independent test institutes, such as the German Blauer Engel and EcoTopTen institutes or the international EPEAT institute. The criteria assessed include socially responsible production, materials used, energy consumption and product recyclability.
Seppe Eloot, Head of Sustainability Benelux, explains the approach: "For a growing number of customers, sustainability is an important selection criteria when buying products. We want to help them make that choice with the BetterWay logo. It's not just another sustainability logo. MediaMarkt does not gain any marketing or sales advantage from it, and that is also what makes our commitment and our path to a sustainable world so interesting. It is a strategic choice that commits us strongly to our own activities, our product range and our services. On the other hand, we are also committed to helping consumers make their daily lives more sustainable.”
For now, the logo is only present on a limited number of products. But Mediamarkt will work on its own brands so that the majority of them can meet BetterWay criteria. Similarly, the group's suppliers will also be asked to work on their ranges to obtain the logo to encourage customers to make more sustainable choices.
MediamarktSeppe ElootSustainabilityDurableElectronicsRetail Label