+32 (0)479 43 57 53    vincent@20CENTRetail.com
Connect Lille or a day of exchanges in the Retail Valley
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Connect Lille or a day of exchanges in the Retail Valley

Today, allow me to present you Connect Lille, an event I just discovered and which will take place on November 23rd. Organized by Diamart Connect, it will be a day of exchanges and conferences for retail professionals. 

It seems to me that the event will be worth it because a little more than 400 participants are expected and especially the topics that will be discussed seem interesting. 


A major event for the region

For Michel KochManaging Director of Diamart Connect and organiser, setting up a major event in the region is simply logical: "No other region in France is more dynamic in terms of innovation in commerce, and conducive to the establishment of retail tech and e-commerce. Connect Lille 2021 remains the major retail event in the North of France, to question the digital retail ecosystem of tomorrow, and to offer a prospective and pragmatic vision of the new emerging needs for a sector in constant evolution".


An interesting programme

The programme will include: the new roles of the shop, new consumer expectations and the hyper-growth of e-commerce. 

And to address the topics, there are some interesting names on the bill with, to name but a few: Monoprix/FranprixBeaumanoirCelioLa RedouteRespireGorillasBack MarketZalando, and Michel-Edouard Leclerc as the closing speaker. 


In my opinion, the themes of the day should be of interest to professionals from the North of France and also from Belgium. There is a very concrete side to the day's schedule and the alternation of presentations, round tables and practical cases should provide varied and captivating content. Finally, it should also be noted that start-ups will have their place, and there will even be an award at the end of the day for the most innovative ones. 

In short, I am quite curious to discover this Connect Lille, and hope to meet you there too. 






Connect Lille, 23 November 2021, La Cité des Echanges, Lille, France, https://www.connectlille.fr








LilleConnect LilleDiamart Connect