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20CENT Style Fill up with natural energy with Wild and Run
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20CENT Style Fill up with natural energy with Wild and Run

There are products that deserve a little attention because of their qualities or their innovative aspects, and it is this kind of products or concepts that I like to present you on these pages. Today, here is a good example with Wild&Run

It is a Belgian start-up founded in 2018 by Anne-Christine Gouder, an agricultural engineer with a passion for running and good food, who started producing sports snacks. I had the opportunity to meet her at SIAL in 2018. At that time, she already had some interesting concept ideas and product prototypes. But since then, her project has evolved well and is reflected in her surprising Chocoroc


Technology, efficiency and delicacy

This famous Chocoroc is a product intended for sportsmen and is available in 60g squares or 30g bars. Of course, some people will tell me that there are already energy bars on the market. But in my opinion, Chocoroc is very different from industrial productions and has a lot of arguments in its favour. 

First of all, it is a fairly technological product. No less than 12 ingredients are used in its manufacture, without artificial flavours or cooking. All these ingredients are organic and/or from a fair-trade origin. The result is a gluten-free, lactose-free product, which is suitable even for those on a vegan diet. In short, it is a very technical concept. 

Also, let's not forget to mention that the product's packaging is environmentally friendly and completely compostable. (Now, that's no excuse to go and throw your packaging away anywhere. The Planet is counting on you!). 

Secondly, it is important to note that the effectiveness of the product has been demonstrated and confirmed by many users, sports-men and -women. Chocoroc offers sugar, lipids etc. In short, it is suitable and fulfils its promise for users/consumers. 

Finally, let's not forget a hyper- ultra- mega-important aspect: it tastes good. This is not a protein bar that you have to chew on every bite for half an hour like many other such products. The product melts in the mouth and is pleasant to eat. 

In short, Wild&Run has developed a product that is fun, effective and I would even say tasty. 


The adventure continues

Like many start-ups, Wild&Run is confronted with a mass of work, and of course like many today, must also face this crisis linked to the coronavirus, which is holding back many companies in their development. 

But who cares? 2020 was undoubtedly a trying year, and in spite of this, Anne-Christine has planned to redouble her efforts and continue the developments to make her project grow. 

This year, Anne-Christine will continue to work with ambassadors, bring a cardboard display ideal for promoting sales, relaunch the website, and will seek to obtain different labels and certifications. 

In conclusion, as mentioned above, there are products that deserve a little more attention and certainly a place on the shelves. And in my opinion, Wild&Run is one of them because we are talking about a concept resulting from a thoughtful and responsible approach. 



PS: for those who want more information, go to the new website www.wildandrun.com



20cent StyleWild&run Energy SnacksSnackingSnacksNatural IngredientsNatural