+32 (0)479 43 57 53    vincent@20CENTRetail.com
20CENT MOOD Tired on a Monday is not an option
Shoptalk Europe

20CENT MOOD Tired on a Monday is not an option

Hello my friends, 


It’s Monday. As we start the week, I hope you are filled with tons of energy. However, it feels that fatigue is already in the air. And it is sadly understandable. When you look at the statistics in the news, listen to the comments and predictions, it seems that the near future has again COVID-restrictions written all over. For business, retailers, the catering industry, event and tradeshow professionals, and all of us in general, this is of course a grim perspective. But it is the reality and we can only continue to work hard as waiting for better days is no longer an option. 

And as many of you are not standing still, one can see that the current health crisis is actually a catalyst and enhances certain trends which already existed pre-pandemic. One of those is the virtualization of events. This week, I will have the chance to discuss this trend and explain it to students who dream of working in the event industry. But of course, I will not forget to share my views on the matter with you as well. You will see that, in my opinion, virtual events are a great alternative to live events, but they still have their limits. And I will try to briefly explain that the future is not going to be just one or the other, but rather that live and virtual will join to create hybrids and more importantly new business opportunities.  

So, this week stay tuned and wait for my next posts in which I will share my experiences with Big Data Paris and DMEXCO. And I will also let you know about the reaction and virtual plans of other postponed events such as SIAL or Free From Food Expo to name a few. 

I will just conclude by wishing you a great week, and I hope to see you continue your efforts even if you are tired of the current situation…


…until the next lines 



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