20CENT STYLE Two pleasant new surprises in the cheese section at Carrefour
There's something new in the cheese department in Carrefour. From now on, you will have the chance to find two nice new products: a fresh cheese and a Brie, both FQC certified and 100% Belgian.
So, for those who don't know, FQC is the abbreviation for Filière Qualité Carrefour. It has been in existence for more than 20 years; and for a product to be part of it, its producer must follow strict specifications that respect the environment, animal welfare and a fair price for all. When a product deserves and obtains the FQC stamp, it is generally the result of a privileged collaboration between Carrefour and local producers.
Plain fresh cheese with herbs
The first cheese I'm talking about is in fact the Filière Qualité Carrefour fresh cheese and it is made according to two traditional recipes: plain and with herbs. It is made with Belgian cow's milk produced by eight farmers from the Marguerite Happy Cow cooperative. The cows are grazed for a minimum of 180 days a year, whereas the standard is 120 days, and their feed is based on grass and 70% fodder produced on the farm. This feed contains neither soya nor GMOs (<0.9%).
Belgian Brie
Of the two new FQC cheeses, this one is my favourite. Being a big fan of Brie, I am happy to now find a 100% Belgian product with an FQC label on the shelves.
This Brie is made from Belgian cow's milk produced by seven farmers from the Marguerite Happy Cow cooperative. The food and grazing conditions are identical to the fresh cheese mentioned above (min 180 days, no GMOs, etc.). It should also be noted that this Belgian Brie Filière Qualité Carrefour is made according to an exclusive recipe without preservatives, and that it benefits from a longer maturing period than standard Brie.
20cent StyleCarrefourFilière Qualité CarrefourFromageBrieCheese