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20CENT STYLE My sandwiches just got better
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20CENT STYLE My sandwiches just got better

The Belgian Gouda enters the Filières Qualité Carrefour

As a big fan of cheese in my sandwiches, and I use mostly Gouda cheese, I was happy to see this latest news in my mailbox. The Belgian Gouda is now part of the Filières Qualité Carrefour. 

Previously, the Filière Qualité Carrefour already counted 11 cheese references, with amongst them the Herve and the Abbey Cheese. The Gouda is the third Belgian cheese joining that quality seal. 

The Belgian Gouda has a pronounced taste thanks to a ripening taking place during eight weeks. For those who don’t know, usually young Gouda is ripened between 4 to 6 weeks. As for the milk used in the process, it is produced in selected farms. The cows need to spend time grazing and feed on fresh grass for a minimum of 120 days during the season (1stof May till 31stof October). 

And the good news kept coming. I also learned that soon, the plastic used to package the cheese would be replaced by recyclable carton packaging. So, this will further enhance the attractiveness of Gouda cheese in my opinion. 



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CarrefourFromageGoudaFilière Qualité