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Here is what to do on Valentine
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Here is what to do on Valentine

Don’t worry! This blog didn’t turn into the love doctor or relationship therapist. It is still retail focused, and I just wanted to share with you some insights and trends about Valentine’s Day in retail. 


Always the classics

As IGD pointed out in their latest report illustrated with many examples form different countries, 

  • The classic categories are still popular: flowers, chocolate, wines (sparkling and non sparkling…), beauty gifts…
  • Also various examples showed retailers (such as Lidl BelgiumAsda UKM&S UK, etc.…) showcase their own brands and premium ranges thanks to special displays or other presentation, in order to encourage consumers to buy private labels
  • Dining for two is of course a must and happens mostly at home: it is an opportunity for retailers to show they can offer options, which are good value equivalent to eating out. Among those celebrating Valentine’s Day this year, the majority of UK shoppers (68%) are planning to eat at home, according to new shopper insights from research charity IGD.


Maddie Malone, Research Analyst at IGD, said: This Valentine’s we’ve seen retailers and brands working hard to broaden the appeal of the event and attract a less traditional audience. Seasonal twists across non-typical categories helps to tap into a wider demographic. For example, Heinz launched a ketchup caviar in time for Valentine’s Day, giving away jars to 150 winners who help promote the launch through using #HeinzKetchupCaviar. In a similar move, Colgate launched an Instagram-friendly Valentine’s themed toothpaste, a great example of innovation in a less traditional category. 

In a competitive market it is becoming harder to stand-out. Whilst particular categories hold relevance with certain events, novel twists provide an opportunity for a broader range of categories to earn a place in the basket.


Seafood please

In Belgium, the latest press release I received from Delhaize confirms all the trends of IGD’s report. The Belgian retailer stated that during Valentine’s Day season the demand for seafood is ten times superior to the usual. Obviously their offer is adapted and consumers can fetch a selection of oysters, shells or shrimps. (Now that I think of it, I do remember that the buyer of Delhaize mentioned during a presentation at their popup store back in December (see a previous post on this blog) that seafood, and especially oyster season is not just for the End of the Year festivities. Seafood is popular all year round. 

Also in bakeryDelhaize sees an increase in volumes of 35%. Even whipped cream’s demand rises by 55%. (I guess this last trend is probably to make cappuccinos or Irish coffees right?)


(If you read this today on the 14thof February)

So you see folks, tonight the majority of you will stay home to celebrate. At the same time, it’s a school night, and kids need to be taken care off, and I found no babysitter, and…. sorry have to go!

Just kidding, I am travelling currently and my tender half and I are part of the movement “Let’s enjoy and love each other’s company everyday of the year, not just on Valentine’s Day”. Whichever movement you are part off, just enjoy your day.




Your comments and questions are welcome via blog@20100retail.be or via the form http://20100retail.be/en/contact

ValentineValentine's Day DelhaizeIgd TrendTrends