20CENT meets Manon Philippe from Big Data Paris
Next March, Big Data Paris, an event organised by Corp Agency, will open its doors for two days. It will be an opportunity for professionals to get acquainted with the latest trends and news in Big Data.
With that in mind, I had the chance to have a chat with Manon Philippe, Chef Editorial et Conférence at Corp Agency. She outlined the major current themes going on in the Big Data world, and described the event coming up.
To start, could you maybe describe, in broad lines, the major themes and trends of Big Data?
Manon Philippe: « The last couple of years, all could witness in various activities and domains the growing importance of Big Data. We could mention for example that Big Data is reshaping fields such as marketing, business, trading, logistics, transport, medicine and I could go on.
When it comes to trends we can outline a few. To start with, we should mention everything that revolves around the use of the data. Often, analysts point out that a lot of data remains unused, and some even talk about the phenomenon of ‘dark data’.
Another trend is that Big Data is diversifying and shows different faces. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are playing a role and we notice a new usage of data. For example we can mention the use of combinations between IoT and machine learning.
A third trend we notice is that there is more and more prescription.
Finally a fourth trend relates to governance. We witness more operational implementation of Big Data, and this at all levels in a company or organisation. So it concerns the user’s approach and the fact that in an organisation everybody should be concerned, informed and trained. »
Those trends aren’t just French, I suppose?
Manon Philippe: « Indeed, those tendencies are found and witnessed everywhere. Obviously, according to the geographical region the intensity of the trend might be different. But we can say those are international.
And with our intention to offer an international event with Big Data Paris, we took a lot of inspiration from what’s going on internationally to create our programme. As an example I could mention the participation of international speakers such as Matthew Fritz, Director of Data Science of Samsung USA, but there will be many more international case studies. »
Let’s talk a bit about the event. Could you describe briefly its goals and evolution over the last few years?
Manon Philippe : « Big Data Paris aims to be a gathering where professionals can meet and where we showcase the latest opportunities, trends and technologies of the French and international Big Data ecosystem. To be concrete, in just two days, the participants will get to attend keynotes, seminars, conferences etc. Of course it is also a place to do business, as there is also an exhibition area and many networking opportunities.
To give you an idea of the evolution over the years, during the first event in 2012 we welcomed around 700 participants. This year it’s the 8thedition and we expect to receive around 17000 attendees. »
And in terms of content what can a visitor expect?
Manon Philippe: « In the morning there will be some keynotes on various subjects such as ethics for example. In the afternoon we will offer two different tracks. The first flow is more business oriented with a lot of cases, the second one aims to attract the experts (e.g. engineers, technical profiles). Our programme caters for a wide range of professionals. Whether you are a novice, an expert, more technical, a data scientist…it doesn’t matter. All will be able to find something they like in the programme.
Also, we wish to insist on the internationalism of our event. This is reflected in our conference program with international speakers. Just to name a few of them, we will welcome a responsible from Zalando Germany who will explain their experience with machine learning and big data, also the director of Data science from Samsung USA and many more. But it’s not just about the speakers, our visitors are also international and this year we aimed to attract more people from abroad.
To sum up the talk I had with Manon Philippe, and after analysing the conference programme of Big Data Paris, it seems that we can underline two major aspects. Firstly, it will be an event where the topics are diversified and thoroughly approached. Secondly, what struck me is the amount of concrete case studies that will be presented.
Big Data Paris, 11thand 12thof March 2019, Palais des Congrès, Paris, France, www.bigdataparis.com
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Big DataBig Data Paris Corp Agency Manon PhilippeParis