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Carrefour offers local products online
Saveurs et Métiers 2025

Carrefour offers local products online

At the Libramont Fair, Carrefour Belgium announced that from now on it would offer local producers to sell their products online via its Drive site on www.carrefour.eu

As a reminder, local producers already had the opportunity to have their products sold in Carrefour stores but not yet online. For these local producers, Carrefour had adapted its supply, billing and payment services to the reality of these very small production units. It is now the online ordering system that has been revised to accommodate an offer of local products.

In practice, the customer goes to Carrefour's Drive website and chooses the store where he wants to shop. Among all tabs, a tab 'local products' will appear. This tab gives access to the online offer from the store and the consumer only needs to make his choice as he usually does for the other articles. The 'local' character is preserved because online only products from a radius of 40 km around the selected store will be presented.

The project is launched with the Carrefour Hypermarket of Arlon in collaboration with some first 'e-local producers', who already offer a dozen references online. Carrefour intends to extend the project to all of its stores that already have a 'physical' offer of local products.

This opening of the digital platform to local producers is part of Carrefour's transformation plan.



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CarrefourCarrefour BelgiumOnlineEcommerceProduits LocauxLocalProximityLocal Products