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20CENT Mood Tutti frutti with a meaning
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20CENT Mood Tutti frutti with a meaning



Some foods mean something

My parents always liked to remind me of the time when I was a kid and they would always make sure I could eat my favorite fruit, a banana, on a daily basis. Even when abroad, on vacation, they would find the nearest supermarket or grocery store to buy the precious yellow fruit. So often when I eat bananas, I have to think of those reminders my parents gave me. The yellow magical fruit does have something extra special for me this way. I guess everybody has certain foods or meals that mean something to them, whether it’s grandma’s cake, mom’s cookies…

But today, I noticed that many fruits aren’t just “fruits”. And besides the pleasure you can get from eating them (and the great nutritional value of course), fruits have now an extra meaning thanks to societal, environmental and responsible initiatives. Of course many are aware of the Fairtrade label or the Rain Forest Alliance. But recently, a few new ones caught my eye in Belgium.

Pears and apples

Together with the cooperatives of New Green and BelOrta, Carrefour Belgium offers now a pear 100% without residue. It is a pear that has been developed and presents absolutely no residue, meaning that it can be considered as totally natural. To achieve this result, the producers used many different techniques such as for example the use of insects or biological methods to protect the crops, rather than using pesticides.

Next to being a natural product, the concept also plays on sustainability. Carrefour Belgium has an agreement with the farmers to take all the crops, regardless of the quality. The ‘nice pears’ will be sold in bulk or under packaging, and the ‘less nice ones’ will be transformed into natural juices. So it’s a guarantee for jobs and for farmers, and no fruit will be wasted.

Furthermore, next to pears, New Green and BelOrta also develop apples that in three years will also be 100% without residue.

Pink Banana

No, my eyes don’t need a check up. I know that a pink banana doesn’t exist. But the new range of Papillion bananas available in Carrefour Belgium these days has a double positioning. The product is considered as a premium product on one hand thanks to different elements (shorter travelling time, origin, …). On the other hand it’s also a purchase with a meaning. For every box of banana sold, Carrefour Belgium will give 1€ back to Pink Ribbon. The association’s main goal is to fight breast cancer. It campaigns for prevention, and strive to help men and women who suffer from the illness.


Not just fruits have extra meaning today

These examples are taken from the fruit category. But of course other categories, other retailers and different brands are making efforts today. Diverse studies show that consumers (and younger generations) expect major corporations to act responsibly and not just with an eye on growth and profit.

And after all, making an effort and acting responsibly, isn’t it something everyone should do?



                Pears BelOrta New Green





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BelortaNew Green FruitPearBananaPink RibbonCarrefour BelgiumSustainability