+32 (0)479 43 57 53    vincent@20CENTRetail.com
The Russian pavilion at SEG2017
Shoptalk Europe

The Russian pavilion at SEG2017

An efficient cruise liner

The Seafood Expo Global is definitely a tradeshow where you will see many country pavilions. Probably every country in the world with a decent seafood industry is represented, and many regions or sub-regions are attending with their own pavilion concept. 

Among all the exhibitors and all those booths, I had to point out a concept that struck my eye at the latest Seafood Expo Global: the Russian pavilion. Now there are many countries present, and many nice concepts presented. The key is to offer a booth which is pleasing to the eye, reflecting the country’s identity and functional for the different national companies who participate to the pavilion. In my opinion, Russia did present a concept that was very strong and did stand out. Allow me to tell you why: 

  • The concept: the concept was one of a ship, or a cruise liner if you prefer. Visually, it was a success in my eyes. Even though my pictures don’t do justice to the concept, but it is hard to take a cruise liner in one shot. (Ok folks, I promise I’ll learn to improve my photograph skills). 
  • Diversity in things to see: Obviously, the pavilion hosted many companies and each of them had their own space. Next to that, the concept offered other animations and must see items such as: cooking demos, visual screens (with pictures taking possibilities), meeting areas….  
  • Digital: there were a few screens to help demonstrations of the fishing industry in Russia, and also some items just for fun (take a picture along a Russian river while fishing for example)
  • Unity in uniforms: the staff present was dressed for the job and in line with the theme. The idea was to make you believe you are on a boat, so you did see many sailors walking around. Such a detail helped in emphasizing the concept of the ship. 
  • A well-briefed staff: Finally and certainly for me one of the strongest point, all the staff was well trained. Now let me tell you, I know many exhibitors who still believe that to attract the attention to your booth, you need stunning hostesses with dresses super short or a cleavage going to the knee, or promo boys coming out of the fitness after a bodybuilding session. Now that can maybe attract the attention of many visitors, but I strongly believe there are two issues with that plan. First, you probably will attract the wrong crowd whose interest is just the attractiveness of your staff, rather than your booth. Secondly, without proper briefing, if your staff doesn’t direct me in the right direction or to the right person, your staff is useless. In this case, the sailors of the Russian pavilion were all well briefed and extremely keen to help. When I asked for the responsible of the pavilion (or the communication responsible), pro-active people collaborated with each other and directed me in the right direction with no time wasted. They asked me the right questions to make sure they understood my request; they already introduced the boat concept of the pavilion and provided some background information during the time I had to wait. 


The responsible confirmed my impressions

So what did the booth responsible had to say to me. Well he indeed praised the work of the staff and actually insisted on conveying the importance of their presence in Brussels: “The fishing industry in Russia is a high-leveled industry, more open and fashionable.  Last year at Seafood Global Expo, we had nine companies represented, and this year we host twenty companies. We insist on presenting the Russian federation and a strong business program. We worked hard to present a strong concept, as Brussels is a very important event. Not only raw products are represented on our booths, but also processed food. With a good offer we hope to present great uniformity, diversity and draw more attention.


If you ask me, my comment on this booth is simple: mission accomplished and sail on!. 





Check out 20/CENT Retail on YouTube here : https://youtu.be/AEspTw3B7KA


Check out the pictures of 20/CENT’s visit to the event on the Facebook @20CENTRetailhttps://www.facebook.com/pg/20CENTRetail/photos/?tab=albums


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RussiaRussieSeg SeafoodSeafood Global Seafood Expo Global Brussels