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Showing the natural ingredients of beer, the Brewed by Nature campaign
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Showing the natural ingredients of beer, the Brewed by Nature campaign

Do you know the ingredients of beer?

Surprisingly, it seems many have forgotten, or just don’t know what is used to produce beer. Normally you should know it as beer contains natural ingredients: hop, water, barley and yeast. Well for the campaign Brewed by Nature, the organization iVOX checked the knowledge of Belgians when it comes to beer ingredients. And the results are quite disappointing if you ask me.

  • One out of four doesn’t believe beer can be brewed with natural ingredients
  • 96% knows about the presence of hop in beer
  • 85% knows about water used
  • but when it comes to barley and yeast it seems that people just forgot it.

It is also great in cooking

Bekoji sets an example

The campaign Brewed by Nature sponsoring the study wants to remind people about the natural ingredients of beer, and goes even beyond by reminding us that hop and barley also have their place in the kitchen as natural ingredients.

To illustrate that, you should take a look at the example of Bekoji in Ethiopia. That little village has delivered many Olympic athletes thanks to a famous coach and a diet based on barley. You can find more info on this on the website of the campaign or the Facebook page.

A campaign around natural ingredients

AB Inbev sponsors the initiative. The study showed that consumers really lacked a common knowledge and so the campaign Brewed By Nature was born. Concretely next to press releases, you can also visit a pop up restaurant or consult tasty recipes which involve barley or hop on the website of the operation.


Barley is underestimated

Bird breeders among the readers will know it. Barley is a super seed. Especially for pigeon breeders who participate in races, barley is usually used in the bird’s diet to keep them fit. (All pigeon breeders in my family, including my dad and myself knew it).

Also, one of my little pleasures when I go to visit family in South East Asia is to have a barley drink. It is usually highly refreshing, but also very nutritive. The best food stalls have it in Singapore or Malaysia.

So I do confirm the good aspects of barley.


For more info on the campaign Brewed by Nature, www.brewedbynature.be


Your comments and questions are welcome via blog@20100retail.be or via the form http://20100retail.be/en/contact


Ab InbevBeerBarleyHop FoodNatural IngredientsNaturalIngredients