+32 (0)479 43 57 53    vincent@20CENTRetail.com
Tiring, but inspiring visit at dmexco
Shoptalk Europe

Tiring, but inspiring visit at dmexco

The biggest ever

This mid September is highly oriented towards digital, ecommerce and all aspects of omnichannel as the dmexco and Paris Retail Week took place. So, after a trip to Paris, it was time to pay a visit to the event of Cologne and immerse myself in the biggest dmexco event so far.

It was indeed a successful event in terms of numbers with exhibitors reaching over a thousand, and a staggering amount of visitors. The barrier of 50.000 participants was reached this year.


A very complete content

When it comes to content dmexco doesn’t disappoint. Looking at the exhibitor’s list you can always see the biggest names present within social media, performance trackers, web, digital, ecommerce, agencies etc. Just to give you a few of the names a visitor can encounter: Facebook, Google, Sky, Hootsuite, Selligent, Salesforce, Group M

Also, this year I noticed several country pavilions with a.o. United Kingdom, Brazil, France and of course Israel a special guest this year.

For the conferences, one can definitely find something for his taste. I had the opportunity to follow several sessions and will share some of them via different articles (I didn’t want to overpower you with an article of several pages. I know your coffee break is limited in time ;-). But I can tell you that the CEO of Nestlé and the drone story did impress me quite a bit.


A constant party atmosphere

Firstly, let me point out that the security controls that were announced prior to the show (and in phase with the current political and terror events) were absolutely not intrusive. And the time lost was really insignificant. So that’s very positive.

Secondly, the ushers at each conference hall did a remarkable job. One could enter discretely during a session if there was enough space. And once inside you barely noticed any movement at the doors. So all concentration could be directed to the speakers and debates.

Last year I already could notice, but this year I felt it even more: the format of the sessions and conferences, with the lighting, the music and the hyper-motivated moderators, make you plunge into a real party atmosphere at times.

The dress code also shows how relaxed visitors and exhibitors are. Unlike at other events, you rarely see suit and ties. You more often see unshaved faces, dreadlocks, t-shirts, short pants and miniskirts (it was hot this year). I tried to blend it nicely by loosing the signature suit and tie. And I believe I was doing a good job. But I won’t go beyond. I draw the line at one point and ask myself about some guys there: Is it so difficult to button a shirt properly? Some of you really took it a bit too far honestly. I don’t need to see your nipples or belly button. (Yes I have seen one or two specimen). But anyway I digress.

Let us concentrate on the well-organized event. The potential negative impact of controls was limited, and the setting was perfect.


A pleasant 2016 experience

All in all, this year’s event was a truly pleasant vintage. TV, Ecommerce, Experience, VR, Augmented Reality, and many more, the program was full. Also the organization was impeccable. Even the sun and the weather gave me the opportunity to enjoy a walk through Cologne and a nice terrace before getting on the train. One thing is sure; the event is noted in my agenda next year.



Ps: be sure to read the key points of some of the DMEXCO presentations I managed to attend in the following posts on these pages. Especially my favorites, the ones about drones and a very entertaining Paul Bulcke, CEO of Nestlé


Your comments and questions are welcome via blog@20100retail.be or via the form http://20100retail.be/en/contact

Congress Hall

