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Top 10 trends 2016.
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Top 10 trends 2016.

The Innova Database

At the Anuga it was time for me to discover Innova Market Insights. The company was a knowledge partner for the Anuga and actually manages the Innova Database, an online food and beverage product database. With a team of analysts in 70 countries, the company tracks down the trends in the food and beverage industry.


So what can you expect in 2016?

  1. Organic growth for clear label: Clear labels include all aspects of the origin of the products to other claims and all in the spirit of high transparency.
  2. Free from for all: it’s not just allergic people or those with medical condition who avoid certain ingredients. Nowadays products ‘free from’ are becoming more mainstream. For example 1 out of 5 avoid gluten at least sometimes. This actually offers opportunities for (new) ingredients (for example coconut milk that is lactose free).
  3. The “Flexitarian” effect: Vegetarians are a fraction of your consumers, but more and more are avoiding meat on certain occasions or reducing their intake.
  4. Processing the natural way: Several ancient processes are being used again in favor of more modern ones. The reason is that old ways are seen as more authentic and more natural.
  5. Green light for vegetables: You know you need to eat vegetables, but you don’t always do it. But the trend shows that there are several products including vegetables in their composition/ For example: smoothies, high vegetable pastas…
  6. Creating a “real” link: To appeal to millennial consumers, the need to create a ‘real’ connection with them is essential. It means telling the story behind the concept with total transparency and showing the authenticity of your concept (going back to basics, …).
  7. Small players big ideas: it’s not just a game for big corporations anymore, now the markets welcome lots and lots of small players. We are indeed experiencing a generation in which everyone claims to be an entrepreneur, and some actually are acting as such. Also small companies do appeal to millennial consumers as they often position themselves as very unique.
  8. Beyond the athlete: Some products and ingredients are not just restricted for sporty consumers or athletes anymore. Many companies launch products with sports nutrition components and energy ingredients.
  9. The indulgence alibi: You have to provide the consumer with an alibi. For example a ‘sugar free’ claim, or the fact the portions are smaller, or include a healthy ingredient.
  10. Tastes for new experiences: Consumers are ready to try new ingredients from all over the world, even surprising combinations in single portions.


Predicting trends is a tricky exercise. What’s interesting in those depicted by Innova Market Insights is that each trend is substantiated by lots of different examples. It is indeed easy to just ‘call a trend’, but to actually have proof of it is another thing.



More on Innova Market Insights can be found on: www.innovadatabase.com


InnovationTrends2016AnugaKoelnmesInnova Market InsightsInnova Database