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Artis Historia is back
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Artis Historia is back

A bit of nostalgia

So who remembers the concept? I do. For those who don’t (or the young readers), Artis Historia published books with a great content on different topics such as geography, space, science, animals, … but you had to collect points to get the illustrations. How to collect? By cutting out little squares (such as in the illustration above) from the packagings of your everyday products. Then the fun part was to use your stick of glue and paste the images in your book. Surely some of you spent some quality time doing this, like I did as well in the past.

But in 2004, all this fun stopped. Since then many people still spoke about the concept, and various attempts to revive it failed or never even started. However, many of you (should) know that the Belgian shopper is the biggest collector of coupons in the world, and is very reactive to such kind of collection/promo.


Back to basics

Today, Concrea an editing house who bought the name Artis Historia in 2014, decided to relaunch the idea. The new concept wants to go back to the roots that made the success of the story.

Concretely, anno 2015

So what are the main features of the new Artis Historia?

  • The look and feel is the same as before.
  • One ‘stamp’ will be valued between 1 to 5 points
  • The books will be with interesting content and every quarter should offer a new collection. The first one will be around animals (a classic, but an effective one).

For Philip Gielkens and Xavier Verellen, directors of the project, these characteristics were important to maintain as they form the core DNA of Artis Historia.

Adapted to today

The main focus is back to basics, but two major points attracted my attention

  • For the older generation, the focus will still be on high quality pictures. But the younger generation, will have books with stickers. Quite a good move to attract the kids if you ask me.
  • Also, the people of Concrea announce that there will be a digital side to the story with a real community and activities around it. Apparently, the Facebook page of Artis Historia, already counts numerous fans.

Carrefour is an exclusive partner

The Carrefour products will be the only private labels offering Artis Historia points. These points are coming on top of other promos and actions, and don’t replace any existing item. A-brands will also offer points soon. So, you will find points at other retailers. This way, for those who remember, the cross-retailer concept is preserved. However, if you wish to exchange your points, or buy one of the books, only at Carrefour will you be able to do so.


Artis HistoriaCarrefourMarketingPromoCoupon