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Pleasantly surprised at the first European Food Bloggers Convention

Pleasantly surprised at the first European Food Bloggers Convention

A couple of days ago, in the preview I did mention my concerns about this first European Food Bloggers Convention. A lot of information seemed missing on the website, very few communication was going on via social media… But I still made an effort to check out this event when I visited the Free From Food fair in Amsterdam, and I was pleasantly surprised (even when considering some glitches).

Better next time

Well as for any first timer, you could see a few items missing, or simply forgotten. It was announced that the event would bring brands and bloggers, bloggers and bloggers etc...all together. How, where, when? Excellent question! The promised matching area or system still remains a mystery to me.

Despite all presentation being done in English, I still feel the event and its speakers had a very Dutch-oriented side compared to a European or international one.

Also, the acoustic of the area wasn’t too perfect as you could constantly hear the noise of the adjacent trade fair. Next time a better designed area should be considered.

But enough with the glitches, I told you I was pleasantly surprised.

More please

The concept of the presentations was in itself well executed. Presentations were short and dynamic (at least the ones I attended). So 20-25 minutes per speaker was perfect.

The proof also that this event has its place in the agenda, is that during the day whenever I passed in front of the area, or even during the presentations I attended, the audience could count on numerous attendants.

So in a way, who cares that Robert-Jan Mast ‘s presentation wasn’t always perfectly audible. Thanks to Claartje Schröder I learned that food bloggers are sometimes photographers, sometimes fitness freaks, sometimes commercial whores, at other moments overly positive tree huggers, on some days eat nothing, on others devouring disgusting looking tasty meals, and on some days, do all at once.To me what really counts is the following: It’s the first trade fair in the food world (B2B) as far as I know which involved food bloggers. Yes bloggers aren’t journalists, but today you are not a brand unless bloggers start noticing you. And let’s face it, some bloggers are true professionals, and therefore should be recognized with their own truly dedicated event.

So all in all, I hope this European Food Bloggers Convention will be repeated in the future.




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European Food Blogger ConventionBlogBloggingBloggerFoodAmsterdamRai AmsterdamFree From Food